1. 旅行的目的就是尽情去探索未知。(Travel is about the gorgeous feeling of teetering in the unknown.)
2. 敏锐的感官让你的旅行不再单调。(Sharp senses make traveling no longer boring.)
3. 心情愉悦才是真正旅行的目的。(The real essence of traveling is to make us feel happy.)
4. 确定目的地,然后就跟着脚步往前走吧。(Decide on a destination then let your feet lead the way.)
5. 在旅行中发现最美的风景,也遇到了最好的自己。(In travel, we find the most beautiful landscape and our best selves.)
6. 山水间留下自己的足迹,让思绪在岁月中流淌。(Leave your footsteps in the mountains and rivers, let thoughts flow with the years.)
7. 坐在城堡墙上看日落,与这座城市成为了朋友。(Sitting on the castle wall watching the sunset, we become friends with this city.)
8. 拆掉旅行路线图,让心随意地飞翔。(Tear up the itinerary and let your heart fly free.)
9. 世界这么大,你要去看到更多的奇迹。(The world is big, go out and see more wonders.)
10. 旅行中我们学会了欣赏和宽容,同时也获得了自由和快乐。(In travel we learn to appreciate and tolerate, also to gain freedom and happiness.)
11. 总有一处地方需要我们去寻找,那里可能是你一生中的最美回忆。(There's always a place that we need to find, it might be the most beautiful memory of our life.)
12. 奔跑吧,随性而行,在自然中摆脱束缚。(Run wild, be random, and break free from constraints in nature.)
13. 旅行不是逃避现实,而是在途中发现新的自己。(Traveling is not running away from reality, but discovering new parts of yourself on the way.)
14. 眼前的景色是全世界最佳的定心丸。(The scenery in front of us is the world's best tranquilizer.)
15. 旅行中没有对错,只有喜欢和不喜欢。(There are no right or wrong choices in traveling, only likes and dislikes.)
16. 把期望放下,随着旅程展开,你将获取无限大的惊喜。(Let go of expectations, and be open to endless surprises on your journey.)
17. 路途中的遭遇才是最美妙的旅行经历。(The unexpected moments on the road are the most beautiful travel experiences.)
18. 用音乐,延长旅行时光。(Use music to stretch out the time of our travels.)
19. 去追寻梦想的路上,路边的美景也别忘了好好欣赏。(While chasing our dreams, let's take the time to appreciate the beauty along the way.)
20. 幸福的感觉就是,放空自己,到处走与漫无目的地流浪。(Happiness is the feeling of letting go, wandering aimlessly and walking everywhere.)
21. 放下一切束缚,随自己的内心感受这次梦幻之旅。(Let go of all constraints, follow your heart and feel the magic of this dreamy journey.)
22. 在路上流连忘返,用心感受每个瞬间的美好。(Get lost on the road, savor every moment of beauty with your heart.)
23. 不管目的地是哪里,相信始终有种随性的旅行方式可以让我们走上惊喜之旅。(No matter where our destination is, believe that there is always a way to travel with spontaneity and embark on a journey of surprises.)
24. 跟着自己的感觉走,这个旅程或许不会太完美,却一定会变得跟享受。(Follow your instincts, this journey may not be perfect but it will definitely become more enjoyable.)
25. 让旅行成为你与自己不断接触的机会,从而找到最真实的自己。(Let your travels be a chance to connect with yourself and find your truest self.)